Friday, October 23, 2009

Older Dogs Need Special Care By Jeff Nenadic

Jeff Nenadic

The older dogs have a lifespan of around eight to sixteen years. Some of the breeds have less age expectancy, while some of them have a longer life span. It is time to take some preventive actions when you know that your dog is grown old. These steps are needed to keep the dog healthy, happy and active. Keep a regular appointment with the veterinary doctor, this means that they are kept healthy and the owners know if there are any health issues. The veterinary doctors know different types of breed and they can also advice you on how to keep a tab on the health of the old dogs.

The older dog also needs to keep a tab on the weight. In case the dog is overweight, they develop joint problems, arthritis, diabetes and liver or kidney malfunctions. Treat your dog for less amount of sugar, salt. You can buy the dog cookies which are manufactured especially older and fat dogs. In case your dog is growing old, you can fewer amounts of treats, and more amount of healthy and low calorie food. Sometimes, it is little difficult to stop them staring at food when you eat, but it is for their good. You can feed your pet once or twice a day in smaller quantity. In case you find children feeding the dog, explain them why they should not feed the dogs.

In case the dog food is dry, you can add water or pre soak the food in hot water. Brush the dog teeth daily to ensure that they do not have any dental issues. Daily brushing with the toothpaste manufactured especially for the dogs helps prevent any dental problems. Make sure that you brush the teeth starting from the time when your dog is young, so that they get used to it. Have your dogs teeth checked up regularly and periodically.

Make sure that, irrespective of the age, fresh and cool water is available for your dog. Some of the older dogs cannot go to the water. In such a kind of situation make sure that you give them the water at regular intervals. You can place water bowls at different place in the house, so that they do not have to go far away for a drink.

The older dogs also suffer from arthritis like humans. Keep a tab on your dogs food and weight and feed them with a specially formulated food. Have regular visits to the vet, so that he can advice you about how to keep your pet healthy and keep it more comfortable even if it is growing old. There are some supplements available for the dog, but before you try any one of them consult the vet.

There are multiple varieties of orthopedic dog beds available. Some of them are manufactured of memory foam. These beds give the dog the extra heat and the extra comfort to the aging body. Make sure that the dog is very healthy and is taken good care of.


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