Many people feel that a dog is a great pet for a child and they are right. A dog will be a friend, a companion, and a great way to learn some responsibility. But first, you want to make sure that your child is the right age for a dog or you are pretty much just looking at a dog for yourself. A lot of people feel that five or six years old are a fine age to give a dog to a child. As long as the parent is able to do the training then this would be fine as children that age can easily find enjoyment in their furry friends and even learn a little bit about what chores and care taking are about.
If you are not up for training the dog yourself but still want your young child to have a dog then make sure that you are choosing one that is a little older then a pup and is already housebroken. This way, there will only be a small adjustment period and the dog will feel and act as though it is right at home. Make sure that you are being careful though when selecting your dog.
While it is okay to want to have the children in on the process of picking the right dog for him or her, you really have to have a few restrictions. Not all breeds are suitable for children. Some are okay with all ages, some with no child no matter what the age is, and others are fine with older children but just not younger ones. Make sure that you are taking some time to research the various breeds so that you are not allowing your child to pick one that would be the absolute worst choice. The last thing you want to do is to give your child a dog that will end up biting or wanting nothing to do with your child.
Select a breed that likes children and loves interaction. A social breed and one that loves to run around is best so that it can keep up with your child. If you are finding that you are a little confused, start reading dog books, magazines on dogs, and search the Internet high and low for all of the breed information you can get your hands on. This may take a little bit of time so it is probably a good idea to begin the research before you even mention to your child about getting a new dog. Otherwise, you will be hounded everyday with questions about when the dog is coming home.
It may also be a good idea to pick a breed that is going to be a suitable size for the child. A rough and tough boy may not have as much fun with a toy breed as he would something larger. And a little girl may enjoy a small toy dog better then a large breed. Just look over your options and think not only about what would be best for your child right now, but what would be suitable for the next ten to fifteen years.
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